LU-YH-5-1-BEJ Rubber recycling production line
Number of units
1. Vertical tire bead seat cutter
2. Machine for cutting tire layers into thinner layers (is used for wheels without metal cords 3. Splintering machine (billets of 10X10 are splintered into crumbs 1.5X1.5X) 4. Tyre fragments to workpiece cutter(10cmx10 cm cutter) 5. Main abrasive machine 6. Vibration sieve 7. Air separator 8. Tire bead seat extractor
9 Conveyors - 2 units 10. Electric board
Is not included in the set
all is included
Rated energy consumption
35 kW.
Actual energy consumption
30 kW.
Main engine power
20 kW
Water consumption
Raw materials consumption
2000 kg/shift
Produces workpieces
2000 kg/shift ( 12 delivery truck tires, 65 kg .hr)
Crumbs %
Powder %
Recycles pure rubber
Tires and bands containing textile
Tires and bands containing textile and metal
Doesn;t recycle
Tires containing metal
Doesn't recycle
Tires of diameter up to 2.5 m
Doesn't recycle
Depends on rubber contents in raw materials
2 tons
- hr
0.2 ton
-shift (10 hrs)
2 000 kg/shift
- daily (22 hrs)
4 000 kg/day
- year (300 days)
1200 tons
-metal scrap extracted/shift
100 kg
-Textile extracted/shift
100 kg
Raw materials consumption
1350 tons/year
Diameter of recycled tires
from 12 inches to 30 inches
Operation mode
300 days/year, 22 hrs/day
Personnel, one shift
Skillful workers
1 person
4 persons
Foreman (engineer)
The shop is divided into sections. Number of Personnel for each section
1 section
---Attritors section
---Tires (up to 2.5 meters) preparation section
5 persons
Foreman (engineer) – total process control
Weight of the equipment
45 tons
Certified in Pr China, Vietnam, Mongolia, Ukrain, Kazakhstan, Egypt, Turkey, Czech, Israel, Russia
Factory warranty
1 year
Technical losses, %
0,001% of the raw materials weight
Production area without warehouses
150 m2
It must be installed indoors
---Preparation section
Outdoor installation
3 days
Fractions are controlled by replacement of sieves
2 fractions
Factory start and adjustment specialists
Training of the personnel
PR China
One 20 ft container
Manufacturing time
60 days
Shipping time
66 days
Manufacturing time
90-120 days depending on destination
Spare parts
Are not included in the set.
Wearing parts
---abrasive cast iron heas 2 pcs
Service time -1 years
Circular blades |
Service time - 1 year |
Tire bead seat cutter's blades
Service time -4 months
---Tire bead seat extruder's drums
Service time – 6 months (but it is possible to extend its service time and/or restore it)
---Replaceable sieves
Manufacturing process
1.Removal of a tire bead seat ------ 2.Separation of metal and rubber in tire bead seat -------------3. Cutting of tire (without tire bead seat) in spiral bands of width of 3-5 cm..------------------4. Cutting off the second tire bead seat -----------5. Thinning of band.------------6. Cutting of workpieces ----------7. Production of powder and crumb 8. Separation into fractions ----------------9. Removal of textile cord----------10.Grinding of pure rubber (tire treads) and rubber containing textile cord---Finished product warehouse
The resultant products (powder and crumbs) are used to produce by further processing as follows
- raw reclaimed rubber
-mats for sport grounds of 500 х 500 mm
-filling seamless coatings
-Foam rubber
-baseplates for rails and railway furniture
-Soles for slippers
- sanitaryware gaskets
- rugs for entrance doors and bathrooms
additives for asphalt
-Rubber blocks
-EPDM granules
-gasket and sealant for doors and windows
-Tread strips for restoration of tires
-Shock damper

1. Tire bead seat cutting machine
2. Tire beat seat with rubber
3. The whell without tire beat seat
4. Set variant: machine for cutting tires into thinner layers is used for recycling of aircraft rubber, submarine rubber, whell without metal cord
5. Tire fragments homogenous layers layering maching
6. Homogenous tire fragments
7. Maching for cutting tire fragments into semi fisined products 10*10 cm
8. Semi fisined products 10*10 cm for crushing
9. Maching for crushing semi fisined products 10*10 cm into crumbs 1.5*1.5 cm
10.Main abrasion mashine combinet with vibration sieve and layer seperator for gorremoval of textile (raw materials and crumb for recycling is performed manually )
11. Air separator. Textile cord
12. Large fraction
13. Small fraction
14. Finished products